
Unit 3 of 6 | Similarities and Differences | Me and My Family | Foundation Stage – Reception

In this unit, pupils learn about how they can differ from others and what similarities family members can share. Covers Communication and Language (C&L), Mathematics (M), Physical Development (PD), Literacy (L), Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) and Understanding the World (UTW).
Fully planned, cohesive learning with great Top Banana activities and resources. 

Pupil Outcomes

  • I can use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events. (C&L)
  • I can listen and respond to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion. (C&L)
  • I can follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. (C&L)
  • I can move confidently in a variety of ways, safely negotiating space. (PD)
  • I can show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. (PD)
  • I can practice some appropriate safety measures without direct supervision. (PD)
  • I can count objects to 10 and begin to count beyond 10. (M)
  • I can recognise, create and describe patterns. (M)
  • I can talk with others about what I have read in order to demonstrate understanding. (L)
  • I can write my own name and other things such as labels and captions. (L)
  • I can attempt to write short sentences in meaningful contexts. (L)
  • I can look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. (UTW)
  • I can use ICT hardware to interact with age-appropriate computer software.(UTW)
  • I can select appropriate resources and adapt work where necessary. (EAD)
  • I can manipulate materials to achieve a planned effect. (EAD)

Product Code: EYFSMAMF03
